Clinical Supervision

"The supervision relationship can be one of the best relationships in our life. It can affirm, attend to, nourish, support and hear the essence of what we do and are, as well as maintain and increase the efficacy of our work." (Charmley, 2016, p. 1)

Jo offers supervision to counsellors, youth workers, office staff and management.  Supervision is an important part and fundamental requirement for our counselling and supervision practice, and benefits both the counsellor and their clients.  Jo’s goal is to try to make it a safe place to talk about yourself, your work, and developing your Counsellor’s identity. 

As Richard Charmley says above, this can be one of the best relationships we have in our life.  It's a time to affirm, nurture, and explore together what we are doing and who we are in this role.

NZCCA describe supervision as "a collaborative, contractual, nourishing relationship between Supervisor and Supervisee. A commitment to support client safety and Supervisee well-being, and provides opportunity for ongoing analysis and reflection of the Supervisee's practice." (NZCCA, 2016, p. 1).

Jo sees the following as the key tasks in supervision:

  • To have a safe place to explore the challenges, thoughts, feelings, techniques, issues, reflections, doubts, anxieties, celebrations, and successes about both your counselling practice, and who you are in your counsellor’s identity
  • To ensure continuity of competent, safe, ethical, respectful practice for clients through ongoing reflection and critique of practice
  • To develop self awareness of your own process as you work with clients, and identifying if there is a need for personal counselling
  • To monitor self-care and protection with special attention to personal and professional boundaries
  • To identify ongoing professional educational needs
  • To provide an avenue to regularly discuss wider professional issues in a safe environment

Charmley, R. (2016). Effective supervision and what hinders or helps this important part of our work. Downloaded from

 NZCCA. (2016). Statement of supervision.  Downloaded from